Welcome to my forwards menu.   This page is dedicated to forwards that I have received from people via e-mail.    To see them, just click on the links below.

12days - The 12 Days of Christmas
assume - The Assuming Song
baywatch - What people around the world learn about Americans by watching Baywatch
bible - 10 ways the bible would have been different if it had been written by university students
britain - Only in Britain....
car - 30 things to do in a car
catpill - How to give a cat / dog a pill
catrules - Basic rules for cats
cats - Buttered feline antigravity discussion  - excellent
chicken - And why did that chicken cross the road?
cows - Ummmmmm, pictures of cows from alpha-numeric characters
crash - Why Computers Somtimes Crash!
cricket - As explained to a foreigner
darwin - The Darwin Awards 1997
drinkers - Drinkers fault finding guide
easyquiz - Is this the easiest quiz in the world??
elevator - 50 fun things to do in an elevator
emergency - What to do in an Emergency
engineer - Definition of an Engineer - very short
english - Euro English - Very amusing!
esheep - Get your own little esheep that will run around your desktop!  :-)
excuses - Actual School Absence Excuse Notes
explanation - The Explanation of Life
facts - Amazing facts
hate - 9 things I hate about everyone
headline - Best Actual Headlines of 2002
hell - How hot is it in Hell?
helpful - Helpful hints
hotline - Psychiatric Hotline
hypnotist - Hypnotist in church
inspire - A list of 10 inspirations for the year 1998
jake - Jake and his watch
jokes - Guess!
letters - extracts from letters sent to various councils and housing associations
living - You know you're living in 2025 when...
kids - Kids are Incredible
korean - Learn Korean in 5 minutes
oneliners - Some great oneliners
philosophical - Philosophical questions
physics - University of Copenhagen: Physics Question
pizza - 100 Things to do when ordering a pizza!
plots - 20 Plots You'll Never See on Star Trek: The Next Generation
pminister - Prime Minister entrance exam
policy - New employment policy
pooh - Pooh bear and Co.
poopie - The poopie list
prayer - The new Lord's Prayer
priest - A new priest makes a few mistakes!
puzzle - Ummmmmm, a puzzle?? - no prizes for getting it right though :-(
question - Questions worth questioning
ready - Are you ready for a terrorist attack?
schedule - Weekly Schedule
scooter - Beer Scooter
sheep - see cows above and substitute 'cows' for sheep!
stages - The 5 stages of drinking
stickman - Amusing stickman animations
support - The Tech Support Code of Conduct
sylvester - Excellent! See Sylvester, Tweety and Co.
telesales - 10 Ways to Terrorise a Telesales person
tips - Travel tips
topphone - The top 10 ways of answering the phone
toptips - Some excellent tips for you!
travel - Familiar conversation?
tubbies - I want to live like the Teletubbies
unbelievable - unbelievable stories
warning - Humerous warning from scientists
you - Could this be you?