My Films Page

Below you'll find a list of films which I have seen at the cinema or am interested in seeing when they come out. The list shows films with, by default, release dates from last month and up to 2 months in the future (depending on where in the month we are now). The rating shows what I thought of the film in a scale from 1 to 5 stars. If there is no rating then I have yet to see that film. If you would like to recommend a film that I seem to not have on my list then please don't hesitate to contact me using my contact form. You can filter the films shown using the filters at the bottom of the page. Please note that release dates shown for future dates are subject to change and are updated when new information is received.

Film (links are to the IMDB)Release DateMy RatingComments

Key to ratings

1 Star1 Star1 Star1 Star1 StarDon't bother seeing!!
2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 Stars2 StarsIf you've got nothing better to do...
3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 Stars3 StarsOne that's worth seeing
4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 Stars4 StarsVery Good
5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 Stars5 StarsSuperb - Don't miss it!!!


Date From (dd/mm/yyyy): / /
Date To (dd/mm/yyyy): / /
Seen: Yes Either No
Rating:1 2 3 4 5

If you find any of my links are broken, please do email me to let me know.