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Posts: 12
From: Ireland
Registered: 12/01/2005 12:43
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Posted: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 - 10:46 Edit this message  Reply to this message with quotes  (IP Logged)

HUSH Mini-ITX (a fanless silent running 1ghz PC with 120gb of diskspace...but always want more space)

WindowsXP (would prefer Linux, but Digiguide won't work there!)

WinTV PVR350 (the workhorse of the setup)

Wireless LAN (connected to broadband connection)

Wireless Remote (Keyspan Presentation Remote, for the couch-based operations)

Digiguide (to make life easy)

DABdig (to tie all the parts together beautifully, the linchpin)

WinTVCap (for recording shows; far far better than the WinTV2K program)

Zoomplayer (for watching shows; just the best media player I've ever come across)

WinTV2K.exe (now defunct because of WinTVCap...no more Windows freezing up)

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