Paul -thanks for the quick response.
I have put in the averdvbt.ini and get a different error message. From the log file
26/08/2005 22:57:59 - 2.54b09 - Could not find fileC:\Program Files\AVerTV DVB-T USB2.0\Schdata.dat
26/08/2005 22:58:09 - 2.54b09 - No scheduling slots left in AVerTV DVB
The version of Avertv I am using has the scheduling information stored in a folder called schedule which contains 2 XML files. I have added a programme manually and the information for it appears in file "owner". Additional scheduled programmes have a similar XML format entry starting with the <schedule id..... tag
1) File "Schedule" just contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<schedules />
2) File "Owner" contains:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <schedules>
- <schedule id="SI_21342520050806">
<description>Gardeners' World</description>
<device num="0">AVerMedia DVB-T BDA Video Capture(A800)</device>
<source num="0">5</source>
<channel num="2" idx="C:\Program Files\AVerTV DVB-T USB2.0\collector\PI_19412420050818.xml">506000.000000</channel>
- <datetime>
- <record>
<saving>D:\My Documents</saving>
Hopes this helpsyou trouble shhot the problem.
Cheers Andy