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        Overriding recording quality
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Paul Webster
Posts: 371
From: UK
Registered: 22/05/2004 19:27
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Posted: Tuesday, March 15, 2005 - 21:37 Edit this message  Reply to this message with quotes  (IP Logged)

This is in response to a recent request over on the DigiGuide forums.

Try this as a bit of a hack - untested (I am away at the moment with very limited access)

This is just to tide you over while I do something a bit more supportable.

It is using something that I had reserved for internal use and is not documented and not really for use like this ... but I think it will work Wink

create (no spaces in the directory name)







copy your working dabdig,ini from your DigiGuide directory into each of the "qual" directories above.

Then edit each of them and change the


to match the directory name







Then edit your DABDig.dgmarker using Notepad in


Look for

blnRecordingType = false;

and change it to

blnRecordingType = true;

Then change the following 2 lines to

arrRecordingTypes = new Array("REC","-H:c:\\\\dabdig\\\\qual0\\\\ REC","-H:c:\\\\dabdig\\\\qual1\\\\ REC","-H:c:\\\\dabdig\\\\qual2\\\\ REC","-H:c:\\\\dabdig\\\\qual3\\\\ REC","-H:c:\\\\dabdig\\\\qual4\\\\ REC");

arrRecordingTypeNames = new Array("Default Quality","Quality0","Quality1","Quality2","Quality3","Quality4");

Then look for

then look for

Marker.strProgramToRunArguments="dabdig.vbe "+strThisRecordType+" \"$ChannelName\" "+strThisChannelAssignment+" \"$ProgrammeName\" $Timestart(\"%Y\" \"%m\" \"%d\" \"%H\" \"%M\") \""+strThisDuration+"\" \"$SingleLineDescription\""+" \"$CategoryName\"";

and change to

Marker.strProgramToRunArguments="dabdig.vbe \""+strThisRecordType+"\" \"$ChannelName\" "+strThisChannelAssignment+" \"$ProgrammeName\" $Timestart(\"%Y\" \"%m\" \"%d\" \"%H\" \"%M\") \""+strThisDuration+"\" \"$SingleLineDescription\""+" \"$CategoryName\"";

Then restart DigiGuide

Paul Webster

DABDig creator

Edited by Paul Webster on Friday, March 18, 2005 - 3:29:43 PM

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